Students thrive at Outstanding academy where students achieve 'exceptionally well'
Proud staff and students at The Redhill Academy have huge cause to celebrate after Ofsted confirmed the school continues to be ‘Outstanding’, providing ‘an exceptional education’ for its community.
Following a two-day visit, the inspection team judged the school, in Arnold, Nottingham, to be Outstanding in all areas of education. They observed a ‘culture of aspiration and inclusion’ where ‘students thrive’, supported by staff who ‘proudly share the school’s ambitious vision for all pupils to achieve well.’
“Students achieve exceptionally well,” inspectors wrote, adding: “They are very well-prepared for their next stages in education and beyond.”
The Redhill Academy was the founding school within Redhill Academy Trust, a successful multi-academy trust now comprising 16 academies across Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire.
Inspectors said: “The school is rightly proud to provide an exceptional education for its students. Staff, school leaders, governors and the multi-academy trust are ambitious. They all support the school’s vision to continue to refine and strengthen its provision even further.”
The school is rightly proud to provide an exceptional education for its students
Andrew Burns, Chief Executive of Redhill Academy Trust, commented: “I am so pleased that the exceptional education The Redhill Academy provides to its local community continues to be recognised by Ofsted. The academy has now been given three consecutive ‘outstanding’ judgements stretching over a period of fifteen years. This is an incredible achievement. My congratulations go out to all the staff and students at this very special school.”
Headteacher, Mike Hardy, said: “This ‘outstanding’ judgement is a just reward for the hard work, energy, commitment and team spirit of our students, staff and parents across the Redhill community. We are proud that our focus on all our students achieving their very best, both within and outside the classroom, has been so clearly recognised.”
Inspectors commended Redhill students for the way they conducted themselves around school. “The school is calm and orderly. Lessons are purposeful and free from distractions,” the report reads. “Students are polite, respectful and tolerant. They wear their uniform proudly.”
The academy has now been given three consecutive ‘outstanding’ judgements stretching over a period of fifteen years. This is an incredible achievement.
Andrew Burns, CEO - Redhill Academy Trust
The inspection team acknowledged that ‘high expectations and routines support students to develop highly positive attitudes to learning,’ also noting that many students ‘enthusiastically’ took on roles of responsibility, supporting the school and the wider community.
Staff were described as ‘committed and passionate’ and ‘experts’ in their fields, delivering the curriculum ‘consistently well’. “Staff enjoy working at the school and feel very well-supported,” inspectors said.
Outside the classroom, students at Redhill have ‘many opportunities to pursue their talents and interests’, thanks to the academy’s ‘extremely broad enrichment and extra-curricular programme’.
Attracting specific praise was The Redhill Academy’s ‘exceptionally broad and ambitious’ academic curriculum. Pupils with SEND are very well-supported to enjoy the same ambitious curriculum as their peers. Equality also features prominently in the ‘exceptional’ PSHE curriculum (personal, social and health education) alongside British values. “Students learn how to maintain good physical health and positive relationships, and know how to keep themselves safe in the modern world,” inspectors said.
Students learn how to maintain good physical health and positive relationships, and know how to keep themselves safe in the modern world
Post-16 provision at Redhill Sixth Form and its satellite vocational centre at The Oakwood Academy also came under inspection, with the team concluding that students are ‘well-prepared for the demands of future learning and careers’ through ‘demanding subject curriculums’ and students being ‘challenged to gain a depth of knowledge and skills.’ This includes student leadership opportunities where they ‘represent their peers’ and ‘contribute to organising a range of projects that benefit all students.’
Listed below are further comments made by inspectors following the recent Ofsted inspection:
- Pupils’ personal development is further supported by an extensive careers programme. This provides all pupils with information about their future choices. Pupils have access to personalised advice. They have opportunities to meet with employers and education providers. In the sixth form, students enjoy work experience.
- There are many opportunities for staff to develop expertise at the school and within the trust.
- At key stages 4 and 5, there is an extensive range of academic and vocational courses available to pupils. Courses are well-chosen to meet pupils’ interests and aspirations. Pupils with SEND are very well-supported to enjoy the same ambitious curriculum as their peers.