Ofsted says pupils ‘learn and achieve well’ at ‘caring and supportive’ primary school

The Carlton Junior Academy is celebrating its first ever ‘Outstanding’ in an Ofsted inspection category.
Inspectors visited the Nottingham school, part of Redhill Academy Trust, on 19th and 20th November 2024. They found a ‘caring and supportive’ school where pupils learn and achieve well.
It was the first inspection since Ofsted revised its inspection outcomes to remove single-word judgements. But the standard of provision is still assessed against four core categories. Carlton Juniors was said to provide ‘Outstanding’ personal development for its pupils. While the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, and leadership and management were all deemed to be ‘Good’.
The report reads: “The Carlton Junior Academy is a caring and supportive school. Pupils enjoy learning here. They feel safe and know they have many staff they can talk to if they have any worries.”
Sharon Wood, Executive Headteacher, said: “I am very proud of our children and all they achieve at Carlton Juniors. Our whole team go the extra mile each and every day, to ensure every child achieves their very best both academically and personally. Staff proved this by showcasing our school to Ofsted inspectors, even during the challenges that November's snowfall brought us!”
During the inspection the team visited lessons, looked at pupils’ work and spoke to a wide range of stakeholders including pupils, parents, teachers, leaders and governors. They concluded: “Many parents say that their children thrive at this school. The school has high expectations of what pupils can achieve. Pupils achieve well across a wide range of subjects.”
The school was praised for planning ‘exceptionally well’ for pupils’ wider development, underpinned by Carlton Juniors’ vision ‘we grow greatness’. Inspectors noted ‘a rich range’ of experiences that support children’s personal development. These include ‘seeds to success’ challenges which help develop character and resilience and encourage them to be active citizens.
The report adds: “The school teaches pupils how to be safe online and in the community. Pupils know about healthy lifestyles and relationships. Pupils have a secure understanding of different religions and cultures. Pupils have many meaningful opportunities to develop their understanding of fundamental British values and equality. Pupils know to be kind and respectful to others from different backgrounds. They learn about various careers during ‘Aspiration day’. Pupils are exceptionally well prepared for their next steps.”
Many parents say that their children thrive at this school. The school has high expectations of what pupils can achieve. Pupils achieve well across a wide range of subjects.
Pupils’ behaviour and respectful attitudes were also recognised, and the school’s core values (responsibility, respect, relationships, excellence, and determination) attracted praise for helping pupils understand what is expected of them. Inspectors observed: “Pupils behave well in lessons, at playtime, and at lunchtime,” adding: “They show respect to each other and to the staff.” The report continues: “The school has established clear routines that pupils understand and follow. Most pupils have highly positive attitudes to learning.”
On teaching and the curriculum, Ofsted said the school had designed an ‘ambitious curriculum that clearly sets out the knowledge that pupils should learn and when,’ which supports teachers in delivering the curriculum well. Several aspects of good teaching were highlighted, with the report concluding: “As a result, pupils achieve well by the end of Year 6.”
Julie Wardle, Redhill Trust Primary Director, said: “Carlton Juniors continues to go from strength to strength. I am delighted that Ofsted have recognised the school’s work in personal development to be outstanding. Congratulations to Sharon and her whole team who have worked so hard to bring about the school’s first ever outstanding judgement and demonstrate that they really do ‘Grow Greatness’!”
Listed below are further comments made by inspectors following the recent Ofsted inspection:
- Pupils enjoy a range of well-thought-out trips and visits that enhance the curriculum. The school provides many high-quality opportunities for pupils to develop their talents and interests. Pupils enjoy attending a variety of after-school clubs. For example, many pupils attend the nurture club, football, handball, choir, and participate in the school production.
- The school gives pupils many opportunities to develop their character and to contribute to school life. Pupils are proud to take on responsibilities such as playground peacemakers, young leaders and being a member of the school council.
- Teachers have secure subject knowledge. They explain new ideas clearly. They use questioning well to check pupils’ understanding so that any misconceptions or gaps in learning can be addressed. This supports pupils in building securely on their prior knowledge.
- The school has prioritised reading. In guided reading sessions, for example, pupils develop their comprehension skills. Teachers read engaging stories to pupils regularly. The school has carefully selected the books pupils read so that they experience a range of genres. The school quickly identifies any pupils who need extra support to read well. These pupils get daily support from well-trained staff. This supports these pupils in developing their reading fluency and accuracy.
- The school identifies accurately any additional needs pupils may have. Effective systems are in place to check and review pupils’ support. The school provides detailed information about how staff can meet the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Teachers use this information well. They provide the resources and support these pupils’ needs. As a result, pupils with SEND learn well.
- The school provides effective support for pupils who need to improve their attendance. This means most pupils attend school well.
- The school is well led and managed. Staff are proud to work at the school. They appreciate how leaders consider their workload and well-being. Trust leaders and those responsible for governance know the school well. They provide effective support and challenge.