Brookfield Community School rated ‘Good’ in all areas following positive Ofsted inspection
Staff and students at Brookfield Community School are delighted to announce that Ofsted have rated their school ‘Good’ in all areas following a full inspection in April.
The team spent two days at the Chesterfield school, which is sponsored by Redhill Academy Trust, where they observed ‘positive relationships between staff and pupils’ and ‘high expectations of what pupils can achieve’.
Inspectors visited lessons, looked at students’ work and spoke to a wide range of stakeholders including students, parents, teachers, leaders and governors on April 18th and 19th this year.
Returning their Section 5 report, they said: “Pupils say that they enjoy attending Brookfield Community School,” adding that “Older pupils and students in the sixth form say that the school has improved in recent years. Many parents share this view. They appreciate the support the school provides for their children.”
The report also states: “With the support of staff from the trust, leaders have made many improvements to the school.”
With the support of staff from the trust, leaders have made many improvements to the school
Lessons were described as ‘calm and orderly’ with students being punctual and ‘polite and respectful towards each other and to staff’.
Headteacher Keith Hirst said: “We are really pleased with the inspection outcome. The report is a testament to the hard work and determination of everyone at Brookfield - students, staff, parents, governors. This is a massive a team effort. Brookfield is an incredible school and we are pleased that Ofsted have been able to recognise a school that is at least good, and one determined to excel.”
Attracting specific praise was the school’s mixed-age vertical tutor group system, which students said they liked because it helped them to ‘know and make friends with pupils in other year groups.’
On teaching and the curriculum, inspectors recognised that teachers had ‘secure subject knowledge’ and that ‘most teachers present new topics well’. They said that leaders had ‘high expectations of what pupils can achieve, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities.’ The school curriculum was described as ‘ambitious and well-sequenced’ with curriculum plans detailing what pupils will learn and when, adding: “This means that pupils build on previous learning.”
Leaders have high expectations of what pupils can achieve, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). They have ensured that there is an ambitious and well-sequenced curriculum in place.
The school’s focus on reading was said to be ‘a well-thought-out approach to ensuring that all pupils become proficient readers’. Opportunities for pupils to develop personally were also acknowledged. “There is a well-planned personal development programme in place,” the report reads; “For example, pupils learn about healthy relationships, consent and different cultures. Pupils know to treat others who may be different from them with respect.”
Students also told inspectors that there were ‘many opportunities’ to take part in extra-curricular activities’. Inspectors noted: ‘Pupils enjoy taking part in a range of sports clubs, music club, chess club and drama club. They can also be part of the student council and be House captains.”
Students studying A Levels at Brookfield’s Sixth Form were described as having to ‘positive attitudes to learning’ and inspectors said that they ‘achieve well’. Sixth Form staff were also commended for their ‘strong subject knowledge’ and for setting ‘ambitious and demanding’ work. “They deliver the curriculum well,” the report adds.
Tim Croft, one of Redhill Trust’s Regional Directors, commented: “We would like to congratulate Brookfield Community School for achieving ‘Good’ in their recent Ofsted inspection. We are delighted that they have been recognised for the significant improvements they have made since joining the Redhill Academy Trust. This has been the culmination of a lot of hard work from all involved and will support the school in its ongoing journey of improvement.”
Listed below are further comments made by inspectors following the recent Ofsted inspection:
- Pupils say that teachers teach them well and want the best for them.
- Pupils say that teachers are fair and consistent when dealing with any behaviour issues.
- Pupils feel safe in school. They say that bullying is rare. If it does happen, they are confident staff will deal with any issues well.
- Most teachers use questioning well to check understanding and to deepen pupils' knowledge. Teachers use 'do it now' tasks at the start of lessons to recap prior learning. Pupils say that this helps them to remember what they have learned.
- Regular assessments check that pupils are making progress. Pupils get feedback on what they need to improve. They are then given work to correct any misconceptions or fill gaps in knowledge that they may have. Pupils respond well to this work. This means that most pupils achieve well.
- Leaders have ensured that pupils with SEND are well supported. Teachers get clear information on how to meet the needs of pupils with SEND. Pupils with SEND say that they feel well supported in lessons. They access the same curriculum and achieve well.
- Leaders have high expectations of pupils’ conduct. Most pupils meet these expectations and have positive attitudes to their learning. Leaders have ensured that pupils are regularly rewarded for behaving well. There is a strong focus on attendance.
- Governors provide effective support and challenge for leaders. With the support of staff from the trust, leaders have made many improvements to the school.
- Staff say that the school is well led and managed. Leaders are mindful of staff’s workload. Staff appreciate the support they get from senior leaders and those from the trust.